11 Oct 2015
A Sudden Change in Fortunes
This is a very, very short twenty-three word story that changes genre quickly. Whilst rejoicing that Emily had just agreed to marry him, Rafe unexpectedly took a direct hit from a meteor the size of Sweden.
This is a very, very short twenty-three word story that changes genre quickly. Whilst rejoicing that Emily had just agreed to marry him, Rafe unexpectedly took a direct hit from a meteor the size of Sweden.
A pregnant hush descended upon the blackened auditorium. Anticipation cut dead the flattening ripples of applause. Out of the silence a familiar voice: “And so to the final act of this year’s Britain’s Got Talent live final. Please put your hands together for the nation’s favourite baristas, Espressoccino” Everybody waited with bated breath for the surprise act that had taken the country by storm. Suddenly...
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Guest in the House or Soliloquy Confession of a Polish School Cleaner that Pigeons Once Shat on (A door slams. A woman, alone now, holds a metal bin and a black bin bag) Hello. I want to introduce myself. My name is Marta Tomesz. I in very big trouble. I work here the Remington High School since three months when I leave my home town...
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He walked over to the bench, sat down in the sun, crossed his legs and straightened the laces of his grey, Converse pumps. From this vantage point he could survey the entire Exchange Flags and the nameless individuals who traversed the open courtyard that had witnessed centuries of trade and barter. What more appropriate place could there be? He would wait patiently for that one...
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I was not born, but came to life here. I didn’t grow up, but grew into me here. I didn’t go to school, but my school was here. I left, but have never left here, My heart learned to beat and my lungs to breathe here. A thousand years, a thousand more, I’ll never walk alone through war, With echoes of the Bunnymen In...
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My rough sketch of Alicia Keys from her early days. #wanttogotoartschooltolearnhowtodrawproperly ©Cre8ivation
I can run and run and travel many thousands of miles as the geese fly from where I am now. I can traverse continents and sail the eight seas to escape my plight and the ordeal that life has dealt me. I can fly to the utmost corner of the globe to leave behind the dreams of my fallen existence. But when I arrive I...
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“Hey, I just heard they found the Albino with his throat ripped out last night. Honing in on a lady from another gang. Not a smart move.” Scars looked anxiously all around, afraid who might be listening. “Well it’s been kicking off big style this week. Must be something in the air. Fighting over the ladies. Fighting over whose land belongs to whom.” Domehead had...
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