A question: What comes midway between New Order and Kasabian? The answer is, of course, Blossoms. At least they were sandwiched there on the playlist when Salford City smashed Ramsbottom 4-0 in the Evo-Stik League Northern Premier last week. Now there’s a mouthful! It doesn’t stop there though. A seamless transition has seen them catapulted from local fame in Stockport to regular appearances on match...
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One thing I love to do is sketch people who have inspired millions of people through their lives and achievements. This is why I drew Alicia Keys, who has inspired so many people, especially young women. Likewise it’s what drew me to Nelson Mandela and Martin Luther King who fought for the rights and freedom of black people, flawed though they were as individuals. There is, however, something that leads me to...
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A rough sketch I did of Martin Luther King. I will never cease to be amazed and impressed by his oracy, his courage, steadfastness and his prophetic vision. ©Cre8ivation Here is the text of the “I Have A Dream” speech: I am happy to join with you today in what will go down in history as the greatest demonstration for freedom in the history of...
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A lot of people have a lot of negative things to say about the former Prime Minister, the Right Honourable- some would say Dishonourable- Margaret Thatcher of Grantham. This is especially true where I live and this was borne out on the day she died when I swear that I saw and heard fireworks that rivalled Bonfire Night and New Year rolled into one. It...
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Words words words. Don’t you just love them! These collections of letters that help you form an impression in your mind, a picture, an image. You read the letters, you hear a sound, you form a picture. It’s an incredible thing. Why is it that when I see a W, an O, an R, a D and an S together that I know that I...
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A brief reflection on writer’s block. Knowing the direction you want that short story to take but being unable to find the words that take it from design to finished product. “The wild animal of creativity, released from its cage, paces up and down in my head. It skulks around in my thoughts and dreams, seeking my mind for prey, my heart to devour. Inner animal essence...
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