Tag: idioms

Miserable, Psychopathic, Hypochondriac Wingebag Lyrics

Here’s the lyrics of a song I wrote after writing the article about idioms. I tried to picture/invent the most negative person possible, consequently any resemblance to persons, living or deceased, is entirely coincidental. Honest!!  I don’t know anybody who is so extreme but we do tend to exaggerate sometimes in how we see people.  Sarcastic hyperbole works well for me. Poor you if you know the...

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Reinventing the Idiom- It’s My Cup of Lapsong Souchong Thoughts and Essays

I love idioms in foreign languages. They make your words stand out from the rest of the language learning crowd. Students love to say “Il pleut des vaches” literally “it’s raining cows” which seems somehow much more appropriate for heavy rain than our use of cats and dogs. An idiom, of course, is a phrase or sentence where the words mean something which can’t readily...

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