Tag: Kate Bush

Feral Love: The Seduction of Liverpool Reviews

The Cavern Stage was set, the script written. The audience had taken their position in the stalls. The actors had run through their lines and fine-tuned their skills. I recall it as vividly as if it was yesterday. But it was two days ago! My ears can still clearly visualise and smell and taste that beautiful, sunny day in May forever imprinted on my consciousness....

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Festevol 2016: The Arrival of Hurricane Rockchicks Reviews

  Firstly a brief, pre-ramble preface free from prejudice. I need to say this, but each time I have checked recently nothing has changed. I am still male through and through. These, therefore, are the views of a thoroughly male man who is not a woman and has no plans to become one. I do, however, have a deep-seated appreciation for women, and especially for...

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