Tag: Manchester

Brighton Rock-Black Honey and Dream Wife at the Deaf Institute, Manchester Reviews

“Manchester, we have no words.”   This tweet by the mesmeric Black Honey, following a sell-out show at the Deaf Institute in Manchester last night, says it all. Having seen them five times in the last five months, I am inclined to agree. I am fast losing the ability to put into words what a live Black Honey show is like. Ok let me try: type...

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DAMSELS in Distress? Not Likely! Reviews

Some place at some time in the distant past a certain unknown band called Oasis played their first gig. Well ok it was 18 August 1991 at the Boardwalk Club in Manchester. Another quirky little band played for the first time in June 2003 at the Grapes in Sheffield. Ever heard of the Arctic Monkeys? Did anybody know at that time the dizzy heights to...

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