Tag: Sound City

Feral Love: The Seduction of Liverpool Reviews

The Cavern Stage was set, the script written. The audience had taken their position in the stalls. The actors had run through their lines and fine-tuned their skills. I recall it as vividly as if it was yesterday. But it was two days ago! My ears can still clearly visualise and smell and taste that beautiful, sunny day in May forever imprinted on my consciousness....

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The Big Moon: Shining Bright Over A Sound City Reviews

The Big Moon are not just a great girl band. They are a great band full stop. They are fast developing into writers and players of deliciously infectious punk-pop-rock music that burrows inside you like a leech and sucks out your diseased melancholy. These London bloodletters said it first: they are “suckers for you”. Here you encounter four have-a-laugh friends whose delectable performances make you...

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